Hey Readers, I am trying to blog back consistently but time has been getting away from me since last week!!! I was planning my baby girl birthday party she turned 3 years old. My biggest accomplishment is her and her life. I think of her and well being and future I guess all moms do!! I have been shopping around with the selection for next year 4year preschool and kindergarten too woo!!. Also I ran on Friday my second unofficial Half Marathon this was in support of my running mate. She needed to complete her virtual Half, and me and my other mate agreed to run with her and support her... Than well, Party time Saturday!My Daughter had a great time with her daddy and friends that came and celebrate with us. This was such a great experience and I watch my baby realized that she is apart of the world, it was in her eyes and of course tears filled mine!!. My baby is the best thing that has ever happen to me!!!. Sunday I rested well, with no soreness from my Half on Friday. We started at 4am(Friday)and got it done!!. Monday back on the grind to the pavement I well needed to complete my 100mile July challenged, well today I completed it YES!!! So my readers, set goals for yourself, in any area in your life. It keeps your hopes and dreams alive.....
Your Personal Cheerleader!!!