Ok Readers, running with others, reading blogs of others, comparing your ability on the run pavement can cross your mind once you reflect did I run for me? Readers, it can be a challenged at times to take time to commit to the run, then learn what is comfortable for your run. Running is great way to discover your own ability to enjoy fitness but don't get stuck in the what is your pace? or can you go faster, or I am faster than you. As much as we compete in the world for many things, one area that we must be careful of is to allow ourselves to be who you are on the pavement. Once you make a commitment to run with a group, by yourself or with a friend at times it is easy to get caught up with inward competition, and with others that may be faster or even slower than you. I have questioned myself lately going on 11 months, that I want to get faster, and not feel like I am in the back of the pack. One area of advice I would give to beginner runs, make sure you start off your run with brisk walk for about five minutes than get into your run. Do not push yourselves past your limit at this time if you do not run fast as others, but take your time and the speed will come in time. Most of all be proud of yourself for the commitment you have made to go and run and take care of your body, mind and spirit. Most of all race your pace if it is 15 minutes a mile or 5, 7 minutes a mile. All the tempo runs, and great advice is fabulous, but don't miss the opportunity to enjoy and motivate someone along the way. At the end of finish we all will get to the same place.
Stay encouraged, Run Your Pace, and keep your Happy Place RUN!!!
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