
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

10k Race!! On the Run!! Good Cause! HBCU

Me In the Middle of my Running mates

Hey readers, ran a get race on Saturday over the weekend, I know it is Tuesday, but I have been running and balance the Mommy time and  present with my family mind, spirit and body. It is tough but here I go with the recap. Had to get up super early to meet up with my running buddies to get a good parking space. The race started at 8:00am on time but it is a late time, due to it is hot and humid. The great part of the run was the sun stayed under clouds, so I got tanned but not burnt turning into a raisin. I had a great run I PR Yes!! 1:06:20 my first official race time for a 10k. I was pleased. I been working on my pace with fartleks and a lot of more miles to get me to a point of none stop running through out 6 miles. I would definitely do this race again. It is the Historical Black College & Universities. It reminded me of the movie "School Days" by Spike Lee, the post race party was great with Health Fair, Music and plenty of Post race treats... This was a great way to complete my run challenge I ran 109.3miles for the month of June and my 10th race for the year. I am challenged with  14 for 2014 challenge the Jill Conyers....
Happy Running!!!

Me on the Right and Angel

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