Hi everyone, well it is the first of the month of April and I am off to a good start. The weather has held up so I was able to run outdoors three times this week and do 15miles. My goal per week is 20 to 25 miles. So this weekend if the weather hold I will do my long run Saturday or Sunday. My in the gym mode "Get it Girl" workout was awesome and I have added more weight during my hour of power class, squatting more heavier very proud of that. I will be adding some supplements to my regiment, and will discuss those soon. At this time I only use pre-workout, pre-natal vitamin and MSM for my joints which is works fine for running. Oh, I do magnesium and biotin as well magnesium for muscles and biotin for hair. The biotin I do not use daily because I breakout in ache I use it for my hair especially after each wash I double up. I have signed for two more races this month. Reason well the prices tend to go up and trying to save money on them to fit the budget. I do love racing however, as a Mommy on a budget, and a Budgetnesta, love fun but want others to know that yes, you can race and not cost you. A part of racing and running that it is one of the low cost hobbies a person can have. All you need is a good pair of running shoes which you should go to a specialty running store to get fitted very important for your feet. Another is please you do not need all of the gadgets that are out there to run. I have learned that, for instance, I track my miles for free with a running app on my android. I so wanted the Garmin or the Tom Tom, but because it is a costly item, I have put that on the backburner. My run app does just fine, and heck I pay a cell phone bill use the free applications. I thought I needed the compression socks immediately, because being new my running group talk about them how great they are then they(not me) fell off running during the cold months. I am a true believer that you should be consistent in taking care of your body so I had to re-think through what is it for exactly, not saying I may buy them in the future, but I have learned after my long runs, to do a recovery run the next day and drink protein shakes. Oh, don't forget the awesome clothes, well that is lovely which of course love the workout gear, I am at the gym five days a week at 4 or 5 am plus run 4 days a week so this is a budget item as well. Walmart, Ross, Kohls, Marshalls have great things and for the low. I do get really cute for my race for pictures so that is my splurge but cheap. I have found name brand upscale items at Ross for $14 and $10 bucks!! can't bet that. I want people to know don't think this hobby is expense it is not but people can make it that way. My goal also includes, run a Full Marathon in 2015, and get my speed up so that I can join the Track Club Competitive Team in my age group. Hope you enjoyed this ReCap/Remix... Stay inspired
Your Personal Cheerleader,
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