
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mid Week Workout Review: Stay Strong Run/ Workout ! Get it Girl

Hey readers, well I am getting the hang still of posting, I had posted on Monday, but I guess it did not up date or something, I will get better. It is the mid-week and my workout has been great and consistent. I am testing out a detox this week so I will updated everyone next week how it went and what the results are .I added this because it is good to do a spring cleaning of the body. I use to get colonics  all time but got away from it since  I moved from my hometown. As of Monday I have completed 8 full months of non-stop workouts YEAH!, have not stop. Have I seen difference? Yes, I am much toner, and stronger. I love it shape has changed with less looseness. I think is the combination for running also. I will state, I did not have a weight loss goal but a few pounds and much need toning, because that is so sexy to me. Also a tight body keeps you looking good and youthful no matter the age. But as you age it is important to keep it tight. Far as running my lovely best friend, well it is on track, no miss group runs and have gotten on the schedule of long runs on the weekends by myself.. I decided to try to keep 25-30 miles per week run schedule. This also help with keeping my caloric count at 3500 per week. Have a few races scheduled coming up before it gets to hot outside. One other thing I am admin of a workout group online, so look out!. Getting ready for the Summer, it will be 2 piece swimsuit this year, and leaning down for a fabulous dress to go to a party celebrating a running mate weight loss accomplishment in May...
Your Personal Cheerleader!

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