
Friday, March 14, 2014

March Run Madness

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in blogging, I have done 1 race this month and will update. Even though I thought about doing a 14 to 2014 challenge I am still hesitate to make that commitment. I am getting ready for my first Half next week, I ran my first 10k last weekend and it was so much fun. Something that I truly recommend people to do is not it horrible all week and then race. Oh, my eating was not spot on as I usually am pretty good at. As I started to run I felt very heavy and started to blot up in my abdomen area. So number #1 rule eat  healthy. Because of that experience last week I am eating better this week. Also, if you do not know running pulls in gravity, so it will cause to have a serious bowel movement. I use last week to taper off of long runs, and this week as well so that I  am very refresh for next week. Will stay in loop with posting. Also, being a mom of a toddler and a business owner, can be taxing on balance. So I must do better to build a audience and keep you reading about my run/fitness diary.. A Plus, I have been working out constantly 4-5 days a week for 7months. I have seen changes in my strength and personal attitude, not a lot of weight loss which I am not seeking but to add more muscle.
Your Personal Cheerleader,

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