
Sunday, June 15, 2014

On The Run! Is A Mile Just A Mile?

As a runner of 11months the question comes to mind and to several runners that are 10+ mile pace, are you really a runner or a walker?. I was with my run group on Friday and we had a new runner to come to our 4am group, and she stated that she was a runner. We ask a few questions to get a feel for experience, pace, etc. Well we decided to switch up and run at her pace to find out and take the best approach on hills and the pavement. Even with me being new to the pavement, I noticed that I think that she has not exactly ran the way our group does. So we took our time and did not run at the pace we usually are at even though we each run at various speeds. I thought about this, before I blogged this readers, and I was like am I really a runner? considering I am at 10+mile pace myself. I sure am a runner, it may look slow to 7-8+ mile pace but heck I give it my full best as I can each time I hit the pavement. Never, underestimate the spirit of some ones ability of fitness. Show support and how the running community has a open heart to everyone that chooses to run on the pavement.
Your Personal Cheerleader,

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