
Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday Move It Motivation!

Hey Readers, I hope your weekend went will, I had a full a great one spending time with my husband, toddler, and doggie. This Past Saturday, we went to our local city Mableton Festival they had a 5k also, but I did not do. But We as a family hung out together and enjoyed the fest, with a children area, vendors more. Afterwards because I love the weekend warrior we went to the Shrine Circus and Fair. My toddler was so excited! Now that she is very verbal since last year she was naming everything that would be at the Circus and enjoyed the view and Clowns. Readers It is so important to take time with your family. To see the view of life as of its day and not everything in the future. I am learning to take each day as this is the day I can live it today. On Sunday I got a chance to run 8.3miles outdoors in the rain. I set a new Personal Record of shaving off 20minutes off my run, by doing Fartlek training in which in the up coming weeks I will share about my experience. I do have some Plans for my workout this week considering this Morning I fell during my morning 4am run of 5 miles with my group, hopefully the swelling on my ankle and knee will not slow my progress down. (Praying). Here is My Weekly Goal:
Run four times this week outdoors- 26miles( 25-30 per week)
Workout four times this week with weights
Two days included Fartlek and Breathing Training
Minimum of 64oz or more per day
Goal Setting is very important to complete the task at hand. Please add this to your workout as a weekly promise to yourself. Your body will be grateful!!

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